Reverse Lookup for 650-308-4755

This is a Landline from Palo Alto, CA
provided by PACIFIC BELL

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Recent Reports for 650-308-4755

Report filed by:Lee B
Comment:Scammer... uses Craigslist to initiate scam. Sends seller a text message even though the seller's phone number is listed in the ad. Wants to buy item (usually a "High Dollar" item), but must use an intermediary to complete the purchase because he or she is "out of the country" or "in the hospital" or some other lame excuse. Involves seller cashing a check (for too much money) and then the seller must send the excess monies to the intermediary via Western Union. In the mean time the buyer's check bounces and the seller is left with a fee from his bank and the loss of any funds he sends to the intermediary. Total SCAM. FRAUD. BEWARE!!!
Caller Name: Unknown
Call type: Unknown

Recent Reverse Lookups for 650-308-4755

650-308-4755 was searched on 2024-04-19 from in Ashburn, VA, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2024-03-12 from in Fairfield, CT, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2024-02-11 from in Fairfield, CT, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2024-01-09 from in Cupertino, CA, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2023-04-29 from in Cupertino, CA, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2023-01-04 from in Cupertino, CA, US
650-308-4755 was searched on 2013-08-18 from in Brandon, FL, US
Report a phone call from 650-308-4755

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