Reverse Lookup for 321-265-3004

This is a Cellphone from Melbourne, FL

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Recent Reports for 321-265-3004

Report filed by:Mary
Comment:Male voice calling from the "Auto Processing Dept." Said "our records" showed I not renewed my warranty on my vehicle, whose make, model and year he had. Knowing this was a phishing scam, I replied, "Well, I don't know WHO you are or what the "Auto Processing Dept." is but I DO know it has nothing to do with..." At which point he screamed "Oh my God!" into the phone, and I of course hung up. I checked and this is a cell phone in the Melbourne FL area. I called it back, and the phishing continued. "This is the "Auto Department" [sic} If you are interested in mechanical breakdown insurance press 1, if you want to be placed on the DoNotCall list press 2. Of course I hung up. We are already on the state and national DoNotCall lists and this is a common phishing scam.
Caller Name: "Auto Processing Department"
Call type: Unknown

Recent Reverse Lookups for 321-265-3004

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321-265-3004 was searched on 2024-04-08 from in Ashburn, VA, US
321-265-3004 was searched on 2024-03-13 from in Ashburn, VA, US
321-265-3004 was searched on 2024-02-11 from in Ashburn, VA, US
321-265-3004 was searched on 2023-09-11 from in Louisville, CO, US
321-265-3004 was searched on 2013-11-25 from in US
321-265-3004 was searched on 2013-09-24 from in Orlando, FL, US
Report a phone call from 321-265-3004

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