Reverse Lookup for 604-553-6752

This is a Landline from New Westminster, BC
provided by Shaw Telecom Inc.

Get a call from 604-553-6752? View caller details and report unwanted calls.

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Recent Reports for 604-553-6752

Report filed by:july
Comment:This number 604-553-6752 just called my home and is trying to run a scam pretending that they are Shoppers Drug Mart and is asking for very personal information to try and get credit card information or banking information. The caller states that "you/I" has won a cruise and in order to redeem the promotion they require personal banking information. I have contacted Shoppers Drug Mart and inquire of such and I was informed that they have no knowledge of such promotional offer and they have received calls from other customers previously regarding such fraudulent activity.
Caller Name: unknown
Call type: Unknown

Recent Reverse Lookups for 604-553-6752

604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-05-02 from in Cambridge, MA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-04-11 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-03-23 from in Fairfield, CT, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-03-12 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-03-10 from in Cupertino, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2024-02-18 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-12-21 from in Cupertino, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-11-09 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-10-01 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-09-30 from in Fairfield, CT, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-09-18 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-09-18 from in Fairfield, CT, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-07-27 from in Cupertino, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-06-13 from in Cupertino, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2023-05-01 from in Cupertino, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2022-06-29 from in Winnipeg, MB, CA
604-553-6752 was searched on 2021-12-02 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2021-11-30 from in Ashburn, VA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2021-05-02 from in Houston, TX, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2020-10-05 from in Los Angeles, CA, US
604-553-6752 was searched on 2013-08-08 from in Burnaby, BC, CA
Report a phone call from 604-553-6752

Your name or nickname to appear in the title of your comment.

The name of the person or company that called you (if you know)

Please ensure your comments are truthful and language is clean. Your input is greatly appreciated!