Reverse Lookup for 929-268-1804

This is a Landline from New York City Zone 08, NY

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Recent Reports for 929-268-1804

Report filed by:Jeff Wood
Comment:Called and left a threatning message on my voice mail. They said they are going to serve court papers to me for something that I don't even know about. They fail to realize that I have done extensive research and they can't do a thing without first sending some sort of proof of any such debt. I never have recieved a letter from them or anything, just harrassing calls.
Caller Name: Arbitrator Armstrong
Call type: Debt Collector

Recent Reverse Lookups for 929-268-1804

929-268-1804 was searched on 2012-08-24 from in Charlotte, NC, US
929-268-1804 was searched on 2012-08-23 from in Tampa, FL, US
929-268-1804 was searched on 2012-07-16 from in Tucson, AZ, US
Report a phone call from 929-268-1804

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